Major Works
by Robert L. Heilbroner
An Inquiry into the Human Prospect

About this title:
Is there hope for man? That "terrible questions" was posed
by Robert L. Heilbroner in the original version of An
Inquiry into the Human Prospect. In this third edition of a
book that has become a classic, Professor Heilbroner leaves
the question in place on the first page, believing some
twenty years later that that interrogative sounds the themes
of the 1990s as well. The main components of the global
predicament he described in the first edition are still with
us today: runaway populations, obliterative weaponry, and a
closing environmental vise.
Writing now, in the aftermath of the extraordinary events
that caused communism as a challenger to capitalism to
vanish "like a puff of smoke," Professor Heilbroner traces
out the difficulties that beset those attempting centrally
planned economies. He shows how Soviet-style systems became
mired in bureaucratic swamps. But he warns that the triumph
of profit-driven, market-directed economies will not delay
the looming encounter with the ecological barrier: "The
absorption capacities of the environment," writes Professor
Heilbroner, "whether in terms of the greenhouse effect of
the overrunning of other physico-chemical capabilities of
the planet" still determine the limits of economic
Trenchant and unflinching, Professor Heilbroner's look at
the sum and substance of our prospects for the remaining
years of this century is provocative and indispensable
reading for those who prefer not to avert their gaze from
the hard realities of our times.
The Worldly Philosophers

About this title:
The final and most profound revision of this classic
bestseller defines the common thread linking the world's
greatest economic thinkers and explores the philosophies
that motivate them.
The Worldly Philosophers
is a bestselling classic
that not only enables us to
see more deeply into our
history but helps us better
understand our own times. In
this seventh edition, Robert
L. Heilbroner provides a new
theme that connects thinkers
as diverse as Adam Smith and
Karl Marx. The theme is the
common focus of their highly
varied ideas — namely, the
search to understand how a
capitalist society works. It
is a focus never more needed
than in this age of
confusing economic
In a bold new concluding
chapter entitled "The End of
the Worldly Philosophy?"
Heilbroner reminds us that
the word "end" refers to
both the purpose and limits
of economics. This chapter
conveys a concern that
today's increasingly
"scientific" economics may
overlook fundamental social
and political issues that
are central to economics.
Thus, unlike its
predecessors, this new
edition provides not just an
indispensable illumination
of our past but a call to
action for our future.
Explained: Everything You Need to Know about How the Economy
Works & Where It's Going

About this title:
This updated edition of the definitive introduction to
economics addresses urgent topical issues, including the
increasing inequality in the distribution of income, the
impact of the "globalization" of capitalism, and the
far-reaching effects of new technology. Charts throughout.
Visions of
the Future: The Distant Past, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

About this title:
A prophetic vision of the shape of things to come, from one
of America's most eloquent economists. Heilbroner gives a
penetrating historical overview of how we have thought about
the future through the ages, and issues a clarion call to
face the challenges of the 21st century with a new awareness
and resolve strengthened by the inspiration of our past.
The Crisis
of Vision in Modern Economic Thought
Heilbroner, Robert L,
and Milberg, William

About this title:
A deep and widespread crisis affects modern economic theory,
a crisis that results from the absence of a "vision"--a set
of widely shared political and social preconceptions. This
provocative analysis attempts both to describe this state of
affairs and to suggest the direction in which economic
thinking must move if it is to regain the relevance and
remedial power it now pointedly lacks.
The Making
of Economic Society
Milberg, William S., and
Heilbroner, Robert L.

About this title:
With its roots in history and eyes on the future, this book
gives readers a balanced perspective of why our economic
society is the way it is and where it may be headed by
tracing its development from the Middles Ages to the
present. Showing that today's economic problems cannot be
understood unless we have an understanding of how they first
arose, it explores the catalytic role past economic trends
and dynamics have played in creating the present challenges
we face, and offers suggestions on how we may deal with them
most effectively. Focuses on problems and challenges of
capitalism after the Golden Age (1945-1973), examining why
the age came to an end and how globalization and income
inequalities have changed the nature of capitalism.
Considers the prospects of capitalism, outlines the
essential features of a capitalist system, and stresses that
capitalism can take many forms. Explores the concept of
institutions, paying particular attention to the relation
between states and markets, and workers and employers.
Visions of
the Future: The Distant Past, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Heilbroner, Robert L

About this title:
A prophetic vision of the shape of things to come, from one
of America's most eloquent economists. Heilbroner gives a
penetrating historical overview of how we have thought about
the future through the ages, and issues a clarion call to
face the challenges of the 21st century with a new awareness
and resolve strengthened by the inspiration of our past.
The Nature
and Logic of Capitalism
Heilbroner, Robert L.

About this title:
"...Robert L. Heilbroner has written an elegant, riveting
account of the economic system under which we live".--Milton
Moskowitz, Los Angeles Times Book Review.
Economic Transformation of America: 1600 to the Present
Heilbroner, Robert L,
and Singer, Aaron

About this title:
This extraordinary text offers a proven combination of
scholarship from an insightful economist and a renowned
American historian. It recounts the development of
capitalism and the age of machines through the voices of
business leaders, working people, inventors, and an unusual
cast of presidents, generals, and patriots. Unlike other
books in the field of economic history, this text tells a
story. While not ignoring statistics and percentages, this
narrative focuses on the fact that America's economic
transformation is an extraordinary drama--a drama that
continues today.
from the Worldly Philosophy
Heilbroner, Robert L.

About this title:
In this intriguing volume, Heilbroner delves into the actual
writings of the economists who stride through the pages of
his classic work The Worldly Philosophers. In his own words,
Heilbroner serves as docent to the master works that he has
culled from the history of economic thought. In that role,
he takes the reader through the core argument of works often
referred to, but seldom read other than by scholars.
The Debt
and the Deficit: False Alarms/Real Possibilities
Heilbroner, Robert L,
and Bernstein, Peter L

About this title:
This book presents a "view of such
matters as the national debt and who owns it, the deficit
and how to measure it, the difference between public
spending for investment and for consumption, and the view
that public-debt financing crowds out private financing."
(Christ Science Monitor).

Century Capitalism: Predictions from a Noted Economist
Heilbroner, Robert L
About this title:
While recognizing that capitalism will remain the dominant
mode of economic organization in the next century, Robert
Heilbroner asks the questions few others dare raise. Which
variety of capitalism will prove the hardiest? What will the
government's role be? His answers will astound readers with
their vision.
Twenty-first century capitalism
Heilbroner, Robert L.

About this title:
Bestselling economist Robert Heilbroner tackles crucial
questions about capitalism's future: Which variety will
survive into the 21st century? How will the private sector
work with government to address social needs? Does the
defeat of socialism mean greed will dominate the world? A
New York Times Notable Book.
Essential Adam
Heilbroner, Robert L.
(Editor), and Smith, Adam, and Malone, Lawrence J. (Editor)

About this title:
Few writings are more often cited as a cornerstone of modern
economic thought than those of Adam Smith. Few are less
read. The sheer length of his great work, 'The Wealth of
Nations', discourages many from attempting to explore its
rich and lucid arguments. In this brilliantly crafted
volume, one of the most eminent economists of our day
provides a generous selection from the entire body of
Smith's work, ranging from his fascinating observations on
the psychological nature of man to his famous treatise on
what Smith called a 'society of natural liberty, ' The
Wealth of Nations.
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