Advising Syllabus

Dr. Frank Elwell
202 Prep Hall
felwell at

Purpose: This syllabus is provided as a tool for you to manage your Plan of Study so that you can graduate in a quick and academically sound manner. Along with your advisor, you share considerable responsibility for your educational planning. This syllabus should provide you with the information necessary for scheduling your classes.

Degree Plans: The RSU degree plan in force at the time you enter any Oklahoma public college or university constitutes your Plan of Study. Degree plans appear in the appropriate Rogers State Bulletin. Your Plan of Study is valid as long as you are continuously enrolled, unless you opt for a newer degree plan or the degree plan expires (degree plans are valid for seven years). It is important that you keep this degree plan, along with any other paperwork you are given by your advisor. Your degree plan serves as a guide to specific classes you will have to take in order to finish your degree.

Advising Process: In order to get into the classes you need, you are strongly encouraged to enroll during "pre-enrollment" at Rogers State University. When you are ready to enroll in classes you must make an appointment with your advisor. Prior to arriving for your appointment you should review the class schedule which is available on-line or in printed form. Based on the class schedule and your degree plan, you should be able to select the classes you need. 

Undergraduate students having fewer than 30 semester hours of earned credit are classified as freshmen; students having 30 to 59 semester hours are classified as sophomores; students having 60 to 89 hours of earned credit are classified as juniors; and students who have a minimum of 90 semester hours of earned credit are classified as seniors. Students with less than 45 credit hours are not allowed to take 3000 and 4000 level courses.  Second semester sophomores may take 3000-level or 4000-level courses only with the permission of the professor and the head of the department in which the course is offered.

Fill out an enrollment form and bring it with you to your scheduled appointment. During the advising session, your advisor will make sure you have selected the proper classes and possibly make suggestions for change. After your advisor signs your enrollment form you are ready to take the form to the enrollment office.

Bulletin and Schedules: You may have questions regarding degrees, payment schedules, holidays, etc… The Rogers State University Bulletin and class semester schedules are full of important information that should answer most of the questions you may have. Please take time to read these publications.

Grades: You are required to score a "C" or better in all your major courses or you must retake the class.

General Education Requirements: You will notice on your degree plan that you have general education courses that must be taken. These courses are important as they are designed to develop important writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills as well as help you understand the world in which we live. These courses are required for graduation and are included in the overall grade point average.

All students who enter Rogers State University must enroll in the appropriate composition course and remain enrolled continuously until the composition sequence or the equivalent is complete.  Students should complete their general education math course within the first 30 hours.  Students should complete all general education requirements within their first 60 hours.

When an Associate Degree Candidate (AA/AS/AAS) has completed 35 hours, or a Bachelor Candidate (BA/BS/BIT) 75 hours, the student, in conjunction with her advisor, should request a "Preliminary General Education Check” from the registrar. 

Overall Grade Point Average: In order to graduate from Rogers State University you must have a 2.0 grade point average or higher. Although the required graduation grade point average is a 2.0 you are strongly encouraged to achieve a higher GPA. Employers will evaluate your education not only based upon your degree but on how well you did in your classes. Employers often seek to hire those that are above average.

Graduation: In your final semester of course work prior to graduation you must request a final degree check from your advisor. The student's application for graduation stimulates a final degree audit in the Office of Admissions and Records. The following is a list of deadlines for requesting final degree checks:

  • Fall Graduation- October 1st
  • Spring Graduation- March 1st
  • Summer Graduation- May 1st

For other important information regarding graduation requirements consult the Rogers State University Bulletin.

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