SBS-3053:  Systems and Problems

A Web Enhanced Course

This course is intended to provide the student with a conceptual framework within which to examine social problems.  The class will examine the links between technological development, population growth, environmental degradation, social change and disorganization, social inequality, deviance and crime.  For a look at the webbed portion of this course, click the following: Social Problems.

Dr. Frank Elwell
3 credit hours
Who should enroll? Social Science majors and anyone with an interest in what is going on in the world. What we will cover:
  • World Problems
  • Population
  • Hyper-industrialism
  • Ecology
  • Globalization
  • Corporations
  • Government
  • Work
  • Education
  • Family
  • Health Care
  • Poverty and Welfare
  • Crime
  • Class

©Frank Elwell
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