Major Works
by Anthony Giddens

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A worldwide best seller by the most influential social theorist writing in the English language today, Anthony Giddens's "Introduction to Sociology" continues to extend the boundaries of the sociological imagination. Giddens's deft prose and provocative insights turn to the process of globalization and the myriad ways our lives are becoming increasingly interdependent with other societies. The text also includes a full chapter on one of sociology's cutting-edge topics--sociology of the body--drawing especially on the theories of Michel Foucault. Gender and sexuality, a topic particularly important to feminist thought, is also treated in a full-length chapter. In addition, gender issues are considered throughout the text. The book is lavishly illustrated with four-color art, figures, and maps.

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The classsic text for any student seeking to understand the three thinkers who established the basic framework of contemporary sociology.

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The author argues that 'high' or 'late' modernity is a post-traditional order characterized by a developed institutional reflexivity. In the current period, the globalizing tendencies of modern institutions are accompanied by a transformation of day-to-day social life having profound implications for personal activities.

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This book provides a comprehensive introduction to current debates and contemporary research. It connects these ideas to the classical sources, concentrating on Marx, Lenin, and Weber.

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An intellectual pioneer of Third Way politics shows how the globalization of science, technology, and the economy impacts every human on Earth--an enlightening and thought-provoking read.


Constitution of Society: Outline of Theory of Structuration

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This book outlines the distinctive position he has evolved during that period and offers a full statement of a major new perspective in social thought, a synthesis and elaboration of ideas touched on in previous works but described here for the first time in an integrated and comprehensive form.

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The sexual revolution: an evocative term, but what meaning can be given to it today? How does 'sexuality' come into being and what connections does it have with the changes that have affected personal life on a more general plane? In answering these questions, Anthony Giddens disputes many of the dominant interpretations of the role of sexuality in modern culture. The emergence of what the author calls plastic sexuality - sexuality freed from its intrinsic relation to reproduction - is analysed in terms of the long-term development of the modern social order and social influences of the last few decades. Giddens argues that the transformation of intimacy, in which women have played the major part, holds out the possibility of a radical democratization of the personal sphere. This book will appeal to a large general audience as well as being essential reading for students and professionals.

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Anthony Giddens has described been as "the most important English social philosopher of our time." Over 25 years, with a dazzling series of books that attest to his unrelenting productivity, he has established himself as today's most widely read and widely cited social theorist. In recent years, his writings have become more explicitly political, and in 1996 he became Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science. It is in this position that he has been accepted as the key intellectual figure of Tony Blair's New Labour government. Giddens's interests have always been remarkably diverse, ranging from Continental philosophy to self-help therapy, and his work builds on a critical engagement with an extraordinary array of texts from within and beyond the canon of the social sciences. His ideas have profoundly influenced the writing and teaching of the central ideas of the rapidly changing Study of modernity. These seven extended interviews with Christopher Pierson, conducted shortly after Giddens's arrival at the LSE, seek to cover the full range of his thought since the early 1970's, beginning with his engagement with the makers of "classical" sociology and concluding with his thoughts on the nature of world politics under what Giddens terms "reflexive modernity." The style of the interviews is conversational, and Giddens sets forth his ideas with his customary clarity and directness. In addition to the interviews, four short pieces at the end of the book give examples of Giddens's recent thought, treating Tony Blair's political philosophy, the risk society concept in the context of British politics, and the dangers of chemical contamination. The volume concludeswith a conversation between Giddens and European financier and philanthropist George Soros.


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This is a new and revised edition of a book which has established itself as a basic text in social theory. The first section of the work provides a concise critical analysis of some leading schools of thought in social philosophy, giving particular attention to phenomenology, ethnomethodology and Wittgensteinian thought. Giddens concentrates primarily upon the implications of these various perspectives for an account of human action and its intelligibility. An "action approach" on its own, however, will not do; in human social life, action and structure presuppose one another. The author therefore moves on to provide a series of concepts relevant to understanding the production and reproduction of society. The book concludes with a succinct statement of some "new rules of sociological method." Representing the first, and most trenchant, exposition of the principles of structuration theory, this edition also contains a substantial new Introduction in which Giddens replies to some of the more persistent criticisms made of the original version and also addresses some important issues originally discussed only in a cursory way. This book will be of interest to students and professionals in the areas of social theory, sociology, philosophy and anthropology.

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The concept of a "third way" in politics -- an alternative to conventional conservatism and liberalism -- is not a new one, but it has been revitalized by a new generation of European leaders, as Gerhard Schroeder's defeat of Helmut Kohl in last fall's German elections attests. The third way is also a subject of great interest to both UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Bill Clinton. Yet what is the third way? Anthony Giddens, world-renowned social theorist, Director. of the London School of Economics, and Blair's "favorite intellectual, " explains in his visionary new book The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy.

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This collection of essays on globalization includes experts from a variety of disciplines and a range of perspectives, including Paul Volcker, Arlie Russell Hochschild, Robert Kuttner, and Richard Sennett.




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