Reader's Comments:

Form Version =Fall 1997, Version 1.0
Site =Malthus' HomePage
Name =Jordan Cohen
e-mail [email protected]
Major =UW Madison
Evaluation =Indeed, this site was very convenient, excellent organization. So, thanks!

Hi there!
I was doing some research for a presentation on Malthus, and came across the many resources that you have on your website.  I just wanted to say thanks!  They are concisely, plainly written, easy to understand, and were very helpful.  Keep up the good work!!
Emma Wood
P.S. I agree--Malthus deserves a place in the canon.

It seems to me that the Malthus page means a wonderful job. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to be sure where we can get a lot o information on this subject.

Dr. Elwell,

It has been quite a shock for me to have found your website. I was a sociology student of yours three years ago at Murray State University.  I must say that thanks to the education I recieved there I am now a graduate student in anthropology at the University of Florida.  I am taking a class that requires reading Malthus' study on population and I have found you website to be indispensable.  It is comprehensive and well structured, not at all like grad school!  :)  Thank you for continuing your teaching excellence because I know that the classes you taught are so worthwhile as I'm sure they are today.

Thank you,

M.T. Hosford

Dear Professor Elwell,

Just a friendly line to say that Ron Bleier has today sent me details of yr. web-site, that I have had a look, downloaded and read 'Reclaiming Malthus', and that I most heartily approve of your endeavours. I have been trying for over 30 years to rehabilitate the sadly besmirched name of TR Malthus and welcome fellow protagonists into the fray.

You may care to know that I delivered the Commemoration Lecture on the Bicentenary of the publication of the first edition of the Essay at Cardiff University, and that this is now published in a limited edition under the title: The Reverend TR Malthus, Demi-devil, Saint, or Merely Great Benefactor. In this I attempted to bring out many positive but almost universally unknown or misrepresented aspects of his life and works and leave no doubt whatever where my own sympathies lie.

To further the cause of population-resources balance and ecological sanity in general I have recently set up a small publishing-house, Population Policy Press, and I attach our brochure & (so far very limited) list of titles, in the hope that you or your students may find something of interest there.

I firmly intend to go back to study your site in more detail and meanwhile wish you well in your endeavours.

Sincerely yours. Jack P.

Dr. Elwell,

My name is Mike DiMatteo and I teach AP European History at Lake Zurich
High School in Lake Zurich, IL.  I just wanted to say that I found your slide presentation on Malthus as posted on the web, as well as your article outstanding and quite informative.  I enjoyed reading it and know that as a result, my students will appreciate it as well.  With your permission, I should like to make your website known to the listserv on AP European History as I think it would be a great reasource for other teachers as well.  Thanks again and have a great day.

Mike DiMatteo-Lake Zurich High School.

Form Version =Fall 1997, Version 1.0
Site =T. Robert Malthus' HomePage
Name =Michael Ray
e-mail =****
Major =New York University
Evaluation =I used this as a supplemental reading to a paper written for my class in the history of economic thought. I found it made much more sense that my textbook and even my class lectures. thank you.

Dr. Elwell,
I enjoyed your Malthus page (as much as any normal human being could!).  I especially wanted to let you know that the glossary of sociology was very helpful and added to the ease of my research. I am absolutely impressed with the detail of study given to the page as well.  I have yet to find one comparable to it regarding Malthus.  Your efforts truly make a difference! Thank you.
                                                    Kasey Grisso