Sociocultural Systems: Principles of Structure and Change Macrosociology: Four Modern Theorists A Commentary on Malthus" 1798 Essay as Social Theory Great Classical Social Theorists In the Classical Tradition: Modern Social Theorists Dr. Elwell's Professional Page
rbert Spencer's Evolutionary
Sociology Frank W. Elwell | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Recent Intensification of the American Infrastructure
By Frank W. Elwell
In this paper I will briefly examine the growth of the infrastructure in
American society over the last 20 years or so, and sketch out some of
the ways these changes have affected the rest of the sociocultural
system. One way to describe the character and size of productive
activities within a nation state is through the Gross Domestic Product
or GDP. GDP is the broadest measure of the productivity (or "health") of
an economy. It is defined as the market value of goods and services
produced within a country. Table 1 displays the US GDP for selected
years from 1987 to 2001. In 1987, the Gross Domestic Product of the U.S.
was 4.7 trillion dollars. In 2001 the GDP stood at slightly over 10
trillion dollars. This represents more than a doubling in the size of
GDP in just 13 years, an increase of over 5 trillion dollars (both
measures are in 2001 dollars, inflation therefore is not a factor).
Table 1: GDP by Industry for Selected Years 1987-2001
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce.
The mode of production in hyperindustrial societies grows exponentially.
The annual growth rate of the GDP for American society has averaged
around 4 to 6 percent for years. But the distinguishing characteristic
of hyperindustrial society is not the exponential growth rate. Such
growth rates are characteristic of industrial societies as well. What is
really novel about hyperindustrial society is the level of its economic
base. Exponential growth applied to an economy already this massive
produces tremendous real growth.[1]
It took over one hundred years of increasingly intensive
industrialization to achieve a GDP of just under 5 trillion. It took
only an additional fourteen years of further intensification to achieve
the next 5 trillion. If, as Harris claims, the mode of production is one
of the primary factors behind change in sociocultural systems, then this
growth should be causing considerable turmoil in other parts of the
sociocultural system. As we will see, it is.[2]
Table 1 also displays the percent of GDP accounted for by private and
government industries, as well as a breakdown by industry type. As can
be seen, private industry has grown from producing 86 percent of all the
goods and services in the nation, to 87 percent. This is not an
insignificant gain when talking an economy of 10 trillion dollars.
Government at all levels--local, state and federal--is the mirror image
of this, losing almost 1 percent of GDP over the fourteen year span.
This is perhaps due to all of the "privatization" initiatives taken
during the time period in schools, prisons, medicine, and other
government services.
Also displayed in the table are two industries that have gained
significantly: "Finance, insurance and real estate," and "Services." The
first category is self-explanatory, the big items within this group
include depository institutions (banks and savings and loans), real
estate companies, insurance carriers, and security and commodities
brokers. The service category includes personal services, auto repair
and services, motion pictures, health, and education. The big loser, in relative terms, is manufacturing, going from 18.7 percent of GDP to 14.1 percent in 2001. However, it is too soon to be writing of the demise of American manufacturing. While this sector has lost in terms of the percent of GDP in the US, it has actually grown in real dollar terms, going from $888,592,000,000 in 1987 to 1,422,990,000,000 in 2001, a gain of 60 percent. Manufacturing is a smaller percentage of GDP in 2001 because GDP more than doubled in size in the same time period.[3] Manufacturing, both in terms of product and employment, remains an integral part of hyperindustrial economy.[4] The term "hyperindustrial" recognizes that the economy is dynamic and changing, services, information and finance are an increasingly important part of the economy. However, there are limits to this development, an agricultural, mining, and manufacturing base are all essential components of a hyperindustrial economy.
Population is the second infrastructural factor that Harris posits will
have profound effects on the rest of the sociocultural system. Table 2
displays the population history of the U.S. for each census year from
1790 to 2000. It also displays the actual numerical increase for each
period, the rate of the increase for each decade, the percent of the
population that is urban, and the density or the number of people per
square mile. Several interesting facts are displayed in the table.
First, note that although the actual rate of increase is quite large in
the period from1790 to 1870, the numerical increase in population for
each decade remains in single digits (in millions). The rate of increase
actually peaks with the initial wave of industrialization during the
1850s and 60s, though the numerical increase begins to grow rapidly
shortly after. Since the 1860s the rate of increase has declined
dramatically, from the peak of 35.9 percent, down to the last completed
decade of 1990 to 2000 of only 13.2 percent. But note the actual
numerical increase for this same time period.
Source: U-S-history.com, accessed 6/3/2004 at
There are three factors that determine population level: fertility,
mortality, and migration. As a nation, U.S. fertility has declined with
industrialization. Part of the decline in fertility is due to a
postponement of marriage and children as young women attend college or
enter the workforce, and young couples take time to establish themselves
economically. The median age at first birth for U.S. women has climbed
from 21.8 years in 1960 (the tail end of the baby boom) to 24.5 years in
1999 (Kent and Mather, 2002, pp. 6-7). This means such women have fewer
years to have children once they start. A second reason behind the
declining fertility rate is the ready availability of contraceptives,
making it easier for women to control their fertility.
While fertility rates have declined in the U.S. since the 1960s, they
are somewhat higher than the fertility rates of other industrial
societies. The average fertility rate of more developed countries is 1.6
children born per woman, which is below replacement level. In the U.S.
in 2002, the fertility rate was 2.1 (Kent and Mather, 2002, p. 8). One
reason why the fertility rate in the U.S. is somewhat higher than other
industrial nations might be that the U.S. makes it easier than other
nations for women to combine work and family. Such factors as higher
employment rates in the U.S., more affordable housing and other
commodities may make slightly larger families more affordable (Kent and
Mather, 2002, p. 8).
A large part of the reason for the higher U.S. rate is that minorities
have a somewhat higher fertility rate. While racial and ethnic
minorities account for 31 percent of the population, they accounted for
42 percent of the births in 2001 (Kent and Mather, 2002, p. 10). Kent
and Mather attribute the difference in fertility to lower educational
attainment for most minorities, and recent immigration on the part of
Hispanics. Much of U.S. population growth, at least since the 1980s, has
been fueled by legal and illegal immigration. "Between July 1, 2000 and
July 1, 2001, the U.S. population grew by nearly 2.7 million people: 1.6
million from the excess of births over deaths, and 1.1 million from net
international migration. …Natural increase accounted for about 60
percent of the growth, while net international migration contributed
nearly 40 percent" (Kent and Mather, 2002, p. 6). Gauging the
contribution of immigration to U.S. population growth by just looking at
net migration is probably misleading. Immigrants tend to be in their
prime child bearing years. They come to the U.S. to seek work and to
establish a family. Many, particularly Hispanics, come from countries
where families tend to be larger (Kent and Mather, 2002, p. 10). As a
result, immigrants contribute to population growth through their
fertility as well, about one in five babies born in the U.S. in 2000 was
to a foreign born mother (Kent and Mather, p. 19).
More immigrants are attracted to the U.S. than any other nation. Why
such a high rate of immigration? A major part of the pull to the U.S.
lies in perceived economic opportunity. Population level and rate of
growth, of course, are intimately related to economic growth. Population
growth means more available workers, more consumers, and thus a growing
Gross Domestic Product. In fact, it is estimated that population growth
alone accounts for over half of all recent economic growth in the United
(Miller, 2004, p. 202). Not only does population growth account for a
significant part of the growth in Gross National Product, but GNP per
capita as well.
Another reason for the high level of immigration in the U.S. is the
fairly liberal immigration laws, at least compared to many other
industrial nations. There are many reasons for these liberal immigration
laws. Founded as the U.S. was by immigrant groups there is some national
pride in the value and tradition of being a society open to the
politically and economically repressed--though this is tempered by our
distrust of foreigners as well as certain racial and ethnic prejudices.
A second factor behind our liberal immigration laws lies in the
interests of businesses that have an interest in encouraging skilled
professions as well as adding to the general labor pool. Finally, there
are other groups who have an interest in liberal immigration laws, such
as the Democratic Party who often get the vote when immigrants become
citizens, recently naturalized citizens who want to allow their family
and compatriots access, and the wealthy who have a need for servants and
nannies. In addition,
because of geography (including a southern border with few natural
barriers) and closeness to Latin America, as well as all of the interest
groups listed above, the U.S. has a high amount of illegal immigration
as well.
Both legal and illegal immigration fluctuates with political and
economic conditions. While the U.S. has a political history of openness
to immigration, there is also an undercurrent of nativism. High economic
growth rates and the success of businesses and others lobbying
governments to liberalize immigration of both types can lead to
increases in immigration. Political oppression or poor economic
conditions in the rest of the world (particularly in Latin America) also
increase the immigration rates.
Immigration affects the ethnic and racial makeup of a population.
"Social scientists have studied the effects of immigration on wages, tax
revenues, government expenditures, and other social and economic
features of American life and have come to varying and sometimes
contradictory conclusions. Some see the current immigrants as adding to
the public burden by using more public services than they pay for in
taxes. Immigrants, for example, burden public schools with
non-English-speaking children, hold down wages for U.S.-born residents,
and add to the costs of public health and other services. Others argue
that the benefits of immigration outweigh the burdens: They point out
that, for example, immigrants take jobs others do not want, pay taxes,
and inject vitality and richness into American society" (Kent and
Mather, 2002, pp. 24-25).
Population growth--net fertility and immigration--also affects the age
and sex structure of the population. The age and sex structure of the
U.S. in 1900 was pyramid like, with a large youthful population at the
base and each succeeding cohort being a little smaller, leading to a
small elderly population at the top of the pyramid. Because of changing
mortality, fertility, and immigration rates throughout the century this
pyramid has become somewhat distorted, with a bulge of baby boomers
now in late middle age near the top of the pyramid, slightly
smaller cohorts just under this group (the baby bust), but fairly
substantial younger cohorts. Because both fertility and immigration are
higher in the U.S. than other developed countries, it has a much younger
base than other industrial countries.
The age and sex structure of a population affects life chances as well
as future population and economic growth. Kent and Mather (2002)
summarize one cohort theory:
The relative size of a cohort is important because it determines the
number of people who are competing for the same jobs, promotions,
federal entitlements, and other limited resources. Economist Richard
Easterlin theorized that people born into a cohort that is smaller than
the preceding one would encounter less competition for jobs and earn
higher incomes, which would encourage them to marry earlier and have
more children. This might explain why Americans born in the 1930s, when
fertility was relatively low, produced the baby boom by marrying and
starting families at younger ages than their parents or even their older
siblings. People born into a cohort that is substantially larger than
the preceding one would encounter more job competition and lower
relative wages, causing them to delay marriage and childbearing. The
relative cohort theory might explain the baby boomers' marked
postponement of marriage and childbearing, which led to plummeting
fertility rates in the mid-1970s (p. 27).
Because the U.S. has a much younger age profile than other industrial
nations it will continue to grow, particularly if fertility rates remain
stable and immigration continues at its present levels. And this will
lead to economic growth. But the age and sex structure of a population
is not simply related to population and economic growth; it often has
impact upon social structures as well.
One example of how the age and sex structure affects other parts of the
sociocultural system is found in the general aging of the American
population. First begun with the industrial revolution and the decline
of infant mortality, the aging of the population has had dramatic affect
on U.S. government and politics. The 1930s saw the passage of the Social
Security Act specifically designed to entice many older workers out of
the workforce. The creation of Medicare in the 1960s and the focus of
the Welfare State on the income and medical needs of the elderly since
that time can be directly attributed to their growing numbers as well as
their high voting participation rates.
Another well-known example is the baby boom phenomenon in the U.S. that
occurred from 1947 through about 1963. The baby boom has often been
likened to a "pig in a python." Each year from 1947 through 1957 and
additional 1 million babies were born than the previous year. As the
huge age cohort advanced through first elementary schools, then
secondary schools and then colleges, it caused tremendous growth and
disruption. The cohort became the center of attention of the culture,
the focus of the market place. In college it burst the seams, engaging
in massive protests against the war in Vietnam, against the university,
and against the political and economic system. Pouring out of the
colleges beginning in the early 1970s, the cohort faced increasingly
stiff competition in the job market. As stated above, this competition
forced them to delay marriage and children. As the cohort ages, the
market place continues to pander to its wants and needs—yuppies,
exercise, dieting, Viagra. As the cohort begins to reach retirement age
(beginning in about 2010) it will place a tremendous strain on the
social security system.[7]
Two final population characteristics of note about
hyperindustrial America are (1) growth rates are uneven around the
country due to internal and international migration and uneven economic
development; and (2) population density is rising and the country is
becoming more urban. Economic development often attracts domestic and
international migration. Migrants tend to be young and have interest in
establishing families. This population growth, of course, stimulates
further economic growth. States in the South and the West are growing
faster than Midwestern and Northern states (Kent and Mather, 2002, p.
33), the fastest growing include California, Texas, and Florida. Other
states are experiencing much slower growth or even population decline.
Table 2 also displays the increasing urbanization and density within the
country. About 80 percent of the U.S. population in 2000 lives in urban
areas, twice the percentage than at the end of the last century. Density
has almost doubled between 1950 and 2000 going from 43 to about 80
people per square mile.
Such is a quick sketch of the infrastructure—the mode of production and
population—of American hyperindustrial society. According to Harris
(echoing others), both production and population are key components of
the sociocultural system; they are the way a society fits into its
environment, the way a society ensures its own survival. Any widespread
institutional structures (say, family, educational system, or
government) and values and ideologies (Christianity, liberalism) must be
consistent with this infrastructure, must be compatible with the way
people go about exploiting their environment to make a living. As
systems theorists (and ecologists) are fond of telling us, you can't do
one thing. Both economic
intensification and population growth are interrelated and have
independent and combined effects on the rest of the sociocultural
system. Economic growth per capita has manifest and latent functions of
promoting the arts, producing entertainments, and providing comforts for
many individuals and for society as a whole. It is through economic
growth that we have funded advances in science, spread education and
literacy, and enabled many to partake in the good life. Population
growth has led not only to economic growth but also to technological
development, the diversity of our culture and our increasingly urban
But what are the dysfunctions of infrastructural intensification? An
extensive examination of the dysfunctions of population and economic
intensification would include the following hypotheses:
Growth in population and production are based on a finite environment.
There are limits to the amount of depletion and pollution that can be
tolerated by the natural environment. While the emphasis on GDP
expansion in the U.S. is gradually shifting away from manufactured goods
and toward financial and service categories, the base of all economic
activity is still (and must necessarily remain) resource extraction,
agriculture, and the production of physical goods.
The growth and the creative destruction of industry as well as the
growth and decline of population create disruption in the life of the
community. Uneven growth is especially disruptive. Communities must
expand and contract employment, schools, water and sewer lines, roads,
and other community facilities to respond to the changes brought about
by such a dynamic infrastructure.
The need for individual and family mobility because of the ever changing
needs of the economy have personal costs as well. Such transients are
unlikely to put down deep roots, unlikely to join civic organizations,
make neighborhood ties, or identify closely with place. Geographical
mobility has placed great stress on extended families. With dual career
families becoming increasingly common, it is creating increasing stress
on nuclear families as well.
The overall expansion of the economy and growth in population are among
the primary causes of the growth and centralization of public and
private bureaucracy. This has put inordinate economic, political, and
social power and authority into the hands of a few at the top of these
organizations. This shift in power and authority was first identified by
Mills and has become even more pronounced since his time.
The expansion of industrial capitalism has led to the commodification of
social life. More and more of the goods and services which used to be
supplied by family or communities are increasingly being integrated into
the market economy (or the "big bazaar" of Mills). The pervasive
exposure to advertising has created a consumer culture based on comfort,
consumption, and instant gratification.
Another consequence of the economic expansion is the turmoil created in
the U.S. occupational structure. The constant churning of the economy
has meant the disruption of lives through unemployment, the loss of
skills by many, and the growing dependence of the middle class on
corporate and bureaucratic organization for their livelihood.[8]
All of these structural changes—disruption of community, growth in
bureaucracy, commodification, and changes in occupational structure
(particularly the detailed division of labor)—have contributed to the
rationalization of social life.
A final dysfunction of the incredible economic expansion and growing
population is a widening inequality both within the nation as well as
between nations. Harris’s “primacy of the infrastructure” in explaining sociocultural stability and change is a very viable research strategy.
Consider the lily. A lily seed from
space lands in a farmer's pond. It
sprouts a flower that doubles in size
every day. It takes 19 days for the lily
to cover half the pond. How many days
till it covers the whole pond? This, of
course, is a riddle of exponential
growth. When something grows
exponentially, actual physical growth
depends not only on the rate of change
but also the level or size it has
already attained. In the case of the
lily, the rate of change is 100% per
day. If it takes 19 days to cover half
the pond, it will only take an
additional day to cover the other half.
The growth of GDP since World War II has
simply been phenomenal. In 1946 the
Gross Domestic Product of the
The number of workers in manufacturing
occupations has only increased slightly
during this time, so the rise in product
must in large part be a result of
increasing productivity of the American
worker. This is achieved through the
application of technology, squeezing
wages, tighter organization and
monitoring of the workforce, and
increasing the detailed division of
hasn't American manufacturing growth
kept pace with the other sectors of the
economy? Perhaps the major reason is
increasing imports of manufactured goods
from abroad, and increasing competition
from other nations in export markets as
well, or globalization. Of the major
sectors of the economy, manufacturing
and agriculture are perhaps the most
susceptible to competition from other
nations. Also, American manufacturing
corporations--in search of lower labor
costs and more "favorable"
environmental, tax, and worker safety
laws--are locating more of their
operations overseas. While some services
can be "out-sourced" or be provided from
anywhere through fiber optic lines or
satellite, many services rely heavily on
language, culture and/or geographic
location. Again, manufacturing is not so
According to Miller there are two other
factors responsible for economic growth.
The first is "total capital" (physical
capital such as tools and machines and
human capital or the amount of knowledge
gained from research and education)
which he estimates accounts for one
third of the growth rate in per capita
income. The other factor is an increase
in productivity that Miller believes is
responsible for the remaining portion of
economic growth.
You should note that this theory is
straight out of Malthus, with its
cost/benefit analysis based on the
competition for resources affecting
birth rates. It is therefore highly
compatible with Harris’s Cultural
An investment tip for the coming
decades: hospitals, nursing homes,
mortuaries, and cemeteries.
The growing dependence of the middle
class on bureaucracies, of course, was
also a theme of C. Wright Mills.
For a more extensive discussion of Harris’s theories refer to Macro Social Theory by Frank W. Elwell. Also see Sociocultural Systems: Principles of Structure and Change to learn how his insights contribute to a more complete understanding of modern societies.
©2013 Frank Elwell, Send comments to felwell at rsu.edu | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||