In reviewing The Power Elite Robert Bierstedt had this to say about Mills' language: "A generous admiration for his enterprise, however, must be tempered by a few hesitations.  The author's language, for example, is loaded.  Members of corporate boards of directors are "commisars", admirals and generals are "warlords", and there is a political "directorate".  Mills views the Ivy League and its products with something like a sneer, and for "celebrities" he has little use.  He rails against "monstrous decisions" made in an "undemocratically impudent manner,' at the "public mindlessness" which permits these proceedings, and at the "organized irresponsibility" it encourages and the "higher immorality" which results."
--Robert Bierstedt, Political Science Quarterly, Volume 71, Issue 4 (Dec., 1956), 606-607.

Talcott Parsons about the same book noted: "Finally, it should be mentioned that in this, as in some of his previous writings, Mills' general tone toward both men and institutions is sharply caustic.  The Power Elite certainly purports to be an exposition and an explanation of what has been happending in American society, but it is equally an indictment.  There is no pretense of even trying to maintain a sceintific neutrality; the book is a fiery and sarcastic attack on the pretensions of the "higher circles" in America either to competence in exercise of their responsibilities or to moral legitimation of their position...In his combination of often insightful exposition and analysis, empirical one-sidednes and distortion, and moral indictment and sarcasm, Mills reminds one more of Veblen than of any other figure; that he has attained the stature of Veblen I question, but the role he is cutting out for himself is similar."
--Talcott Parson, World Politics, Volumte 10, Issue 1 (Oct., 1957), 123-143