If the petty manipulations of personnel department and industrial psychology and sociology have not played a major role in the habituation of worker to work, therefore, this does not mean that the “adjustment” of the worker is free of manipulative elements.  On the contrary, as in all of the functionings of the capitalist system, manipulation is primary and coercion is held in reserve--except that this manipulation is the product of powerful economic forces, major corporate employment and bargaining policies, and the inner workings and evolution of the system of capitalism itself, and not primarily of the clever schemes of labor relations experts.  The apparent acclimatization of the worker to the new modes of production grows out of the destruction of all other ways of living, the striking of wage bargains that permit a certain enlargement of the customary bounds of subsistence for the working class, the weaving of the net of modern capitalist life that finally makes all other modes of living impossible.  But beneath this apparent habituation, the hostility of the worker to the degenerated forms of work which are forced upon them continues as a subterranean stream that makes its way to the surface when employment conditions permit, or when the capitalist drive for a greater intensity of labor oversteps the bounds of physical and mental capacity.  It renews itself in new generations, expresses itself in the unbounded cynicism and revulsion which large numbers of workers feel about their work, and comes to the fore repeatedly as a social issue demanding solution (103-104).