The worker enters into employment agreement because social conditions
leave him or her no other way to gain a livelihood. The employer,
on the other hand, is the possessor of a unit of capital which he is endeavoring
to enlarge, and in order to do so he converts part of it into wages.
Thus is set in motion the labor process, which, while it is a general process
of creating useful values, has now also become specifically a process for
the expansion of capital, the creation of profit. From this point
on, it become foolhardy to view the labor process purely from a technical
standpoint, as a mere mode of labor. It has become in addition a
process of accumulation of capital. And, moreover, it is the latter
aspect which dominates in the mind and activities of the capitalist, into
whose hands the control over the labor process has passed. In everything
that follows, therefore, we shall be considering the manner in which the
labor process is dominated and shaped by the accumulation of capital (36-37).