As is well known, Veblen goes on to impute a variety of functions to the pattern of conspicuous consumption--functions of aggrandizement of status, of validation of status, of "good repute," of display of pecuniary strength (p. 84).  These consequences, as experienced by participants in the patterned activity, are gratifying and go far toward explaining the continuance of the pattern.  The clues to the imputed functions are provided almost wholly by the description of the pattern itself which includes explicit references to (1) the status of those differentially exhibiting the pattern, (2) known alternatives to the pattern of consuming in terms of display and "wastefulness" rather than in terms of private and "intrinsic" enjoyment of the item of consumption; and (3) the diverse meanings culturally ascribed to the behavior of conspicuous consumption by participants in and observers of the pattern (1968, p. 112).