Another feature of the bureaucratic structure, the stress on depersonalization of relationships, also plays its part in the bureaucrat's trained incapacity.  The personality pattern of the bureaucrat is nucleated about the norm of impersonality.  Both this and the categorizing tendency, which develops from the dominant role of general, abstract rules, tend to produce conflict in the bureaucrat's contacts with the public or clientele.  Since functionaries minimize personal relations and resort to categorization, the peculiarities of individual cases are often ignored.  But the client who, quite understandably, is convinced of the special features of his own problem often objects to such categorical treatment.  Stereotyped behavior is not adapted to the exigencies of individual problems.  The impersonal treatment of affairs which are at times of great personal significance to the client gives rise to the charge of "arrogance" and haughtiness" of the bureaucrat (1968, p. 256).