With increasing bureaucratization, it becomes plain to all who would see that man is to a very important degree controlled by his social relations to the instruments of production.  This can no longer seem only a tenet of Marxism, but a stubborn fact to be acknowledged by all, quite apart from their ideological persuasion.  Bureaucratization makes readily visible what was previously dim and obscure.  More and more people discover that to work, they must be employed.  For to work, one must have tools and equipment.  And the tools and equipment are increasingly available only in bureaucracies, private or public.  Consequently, one must be employed by the bureaucracies in order to have access to tools in order to live.  It is in this sense that bureaucratization entails separation of individuals from the instruments of production, as in modern capitalistic enterprise or in state communistic enterprise (of the midcentury variety), just as in the post-feudal army, bureaucratization entailed complete separation from the instruments of destruction.  Typically, the worker no longer owns his tools nor the soldier, his weapons.  And in this special sense, more and more people become workers, either blue collar or white collar or stiff shirt.  So develops, for example, the new type of scientific worker, as the scientist is “separated” from his technical equipment—after all, the physicist does not ordinarily own his cyclotron.  To work at his research, he must be employed by a bureaucracy with laboratory resources (1968, pp. 250-251).