Social Change/Social Problems
By Dr. Frank W. Elwell
What I know:
Social Problems
Social problems are usually not the result of some malfunctioning part, but are the consequence of the social system.
Social Problems
In order to understand social problems we must first understand the social system that creates these problems.
Social Problems
Social Problems
If the connections between different elements of the social systems are not made clear, real solutions to social problems become impossible.
Social Problems
For example, you cannot truly reform the educational system in isolation from the family.
You cannot reform politics without looking at our economic system.
Social Problems
While social change and social problems are present in all social systems, many perceive a qualitative difference in the social problems we face today.
Social Problems
Our most severe problem:
Other widespread problems:
A dehumanizing trend associated with the decline of family and the rise of bureaucracy. This trend devalues:
Problems Associated with the Powerless:
Problems that Plague the Individual :
Individual Problems
Many of these individual problems seem to be approaching epidemic levels in many hyper-industrial nations.
Social Problems
The social problems we see around us are interrelated.
Social Problems
Pay special attention. The thesis of this course appears on the next slide.
Main Thesis:
Social change is rooted in the intensification (or growth) of production and population.
Corollary 1:
This intensification causes changes in social structure, which change the value system and norms of the sociocultural system.
Corollary 2, 3 & 4:
Social Problems
Most social problems are not caused by evil men and women, but are the unintended consequence of technological and demographic changes.
Social Problems
By understanding the causes of social problems, we can hope to adequately address them.
This knowledge is essential if we hope to achieve a more just and humane society.
Interrelated trends: