Work in America
By Dr. Frank Elwell
Work in America
The American workplace is currently undergoing tremendous upheaval. As a result of globalization the old-line American oligopolies are rapidly transforming themselves to compete for both domestic and international markets.
Work in America
The general characteristics of this transformation are those of rationalization. The specific characteristics are:
Work in America
This rationalization has been very successful in making American products very competitive on world markets, but at a cost to other parts of the social system.
The largest American corporations have been shrinking both production and bureaucratic workers in their efforts to become more globally competitive.
This reduction has been made possible by a new wave of automation, outsourcing more tasks to smaller business, merger activity, and a rise in contingency work.
There is also ample evidence that the reduction has been made possible by increasing the workload on those that remain.
One estimate is that robotics and other forms of automation have already reduced the number of jobs in America by about 3 million.
Jobs that are susceptible to this new wave of automation are the jobs in the old-line oligopolies--steel, automobile manufacture--the very jobs that formed the backbone of the upper-working class.
Merger Mania
A final trend that is having an impact on downsizing the American (and global) workforce is the recent wave of corporate mergers around the world.
Contingency Work
Advanced industrial society has entered the age of the contingency worker, of the fluid, flexible, disposable workforce.
Contingency Work
The replacement of permanent workers with temporary or part-time employees, who usually are paid less and draw no fringe benefits, is arguably the most important trend in the American economy today.
Tightening Coordination
In manufacturing, computer systems have been designed to coordinate the flow of raw materials, machine time, labor, and other resources.
Tightening Coordination
With such systems in place, the front office can continuously monitor the production process, making decisions about inventory, manpower, and maintenance needs as problems occur.
Tightening Coordination
These systems pioneered by manufacturing industries are increasingly being used to monitor and coordinate retail and clerical work as well.
Tightening Coordination
Wal-Mart went from a small regional retailer in the 1970s to the United States' largest retailer in a little over a decade.
Tightening Coordination
Its success is believed to be largely on the strength of an advanced computer tracking system.
Human Relations
The social science of coordinating and managing people within organizations has also advanced significantly in recent years.
Human Relations
Bureaucracies are increasingly turning to the "human relations school" of management--with benefits, quality of work life projects, beer busts, pep rallies, stock options, and "worker participation"--to strengthen employee commitment and managerial authority.
Human Relations
By becoming paternalistic, the system of authority is disguised; opposition to management (or government) becomes more difficult to organize.
Capital Flight
Corporate America has an additional tool that it uses to maximize profit in the new global market. Increasingly, American corporations are investing in plants located overseas.
Capital Flight
Another type of capital flight occurs when corporations use their profits to purchase other companies rather than expand and modernize their existing plants.
Capital Flight
These mergers have three major consequences: an increase in the centralization of corporate capital and decision making; an increase in the power of corporations over workers, unions, and governments; and a decline in the number of jobs.
Squeezing Wages
A final method of rationalization to increase the bottom line lies in putting tighter controls on the paychecks and benefits of the workforce.
Squeezing Wages
One indication that this is taking place is that median family income in the United States, as measured in constant dollars, has not risen appreciably since the early 1970s (Statistical Abstracts, 1993).
Squeezing Wages
The average hourly wage in 1970, in constant 1982 dollars was $8.03. By 1995 it had dropped to $7.40 (Statistical Abstracts, 1993 table 667 & 1995 table 673).
Squeezing Wages
More than a quarter of the workforce now have earnings falling below the $15,000-a-year poverty line (Bernstein, 1996).
Work is one of our most important activities. According to Marx, people primarily define themselves by the work that they do. By redefining work, we are redefining ourselves.