If our first three postulates are correct, that is, if man is a social being, and if most of his important actions are motivated by self-interest or partisan group interest, and if many or most of the objects of his striving are in short supply, then if follows logically that a struggle for rewards will be present in every human society.  This struggle need not always assume violent forms.  On the contrary, it can be carried on within the framework of some system of rules.  However, the absence of violence does not mean that the struggle is any less real or serious for the parties involved (1966, p.31-32).

Before concluding this portion of our discussion, two further postulates should be entered into the record. The first of these, and fourth in our series, is that men are unequally endowed by nature with the attributes necessary to carry on these struggles.  Some are born with serious physical handicaps which severely limit their chances.  Others are handicapped in less obvious ways, such as by poor physical coordination, mild brain damage, lack of stamina, or even ugliness (1966, p.32).