The Evolution of the Future

1991, 144 pages, ISBN: 0-275-93897-2
Published by Praeger Publishers

Written by sociologist Frank W. Elwell Chairman of the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work at Murray State University. Rather than relying on simple trend analysis, the book critiques futurism from the standpoint of cultural materialism, a contemporary theory rooted in social ecology/evolutionary theory. The book includes:

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Frank W. Elwell is Professor of Sociology and the founding Dean of Liberal Arts at Rogers State University.  He teaches social problems, sociological theory, medical sociology, and cultural ecology and is the author of The Evolution of the Future (Praeger, 1991),  Industrializing America (Praeger, 1999), A Commentary on Malthus' 1798 Essay as Social Theory  (Mellen, 2001), The Classical Tradition: Malthus, Marx, Weber & Durkheim, and Macrosociology: Four Modern Theorists.

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